Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Danse Sur La Merde - Prototypes

in the words of mad moneys jim cramer: booya! just talked to mom and dad is coming home today. good stuff. no more trips to the hospital for a while. thats always good. im off to make some copies and buy some clothes.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


its been a minute. 4 job offers have landed on the table between now and then. it figures that when i finally don't give a shit what kind of job i get, i get some 'decent' offers. today i had an interview for the associate editor job. it went really well and i thought i clicked nicely with the interviewer. it sounds like there may even be a chance for me to edit and write in japanese for students interested in coming here for school. that would be a super sweet bonus to a job that im actually interested in doing. rock.

its been nice to actually be busy. last week and this week have been pretty good stuff. i forgot how shitty it can be to sleep all day and stay up all night. its fun for a while, even for the weekend, but for everyday....yikes. no good.

so things are going pretty well on that front.

im willing to say that things are 'normal.' sure, dad went back in the hospital saturday and has been there since. sure i cant even go in his room without wearing a mask, gown, and rubber gloves. sure i dont' have a job but at least im looking and even getting interviews. im broke, but whats new? nothings new. this is the new normal.

i don't really like the new normal, though...