Saturday, April 08, 2006

Zambezi - New Mastersounds

that title is very important. i just picked up a wonderful new record by this band the new mastersounds. they are great, the album is well produced and it is funky as shit. this track in particular is a great version of an old song.

the job is pretty sweet. the first full week is over and im exhausted but also really happy. sitting around for ten months at a time will really slow down your metabolism. working 40 hours a week has never felt so good and tiring at the same time. i already have a lot more energy and i imagine that will continue to increase. also the weather has been phenomenal.

the company is called hobsons and basically they are a student recruitment company. you know those school guides with a huge list of schools containing basic facts and information about schools? the "Ohio University is nestled in the rolling hills of southeastern Ohio..." kind of stuff? yeah. thats what we publish. i am apparently responsible for the editorial content in the international student guides and several websites. a lot of people i've talked to don't seem to find it too interesting, but its something that i actually have quite a bit of interest in and so far i am really enjoying it. just yesterday i was sitting at my desk working away and stopped and kind of giggled to myself for a second, thinking "i can't believe im getting paid to write something!" good stuff. and actually im shocked they gave me some of the responsibilities they did. i don't know if you are familiar with the TOEFL but in the non-english speaking world its a very important test for anyone wanting to study here. we have a partnership with the company who writes, makes and grades all of the TOEFL tests and i am responsible for the website that any student (600,000+) wanting to take that test must use to register for the TOEFL. wacky stuff.

also writing on here has become a really therapeutic for me. not only can i pretty much say whatever is on my mind, but spelling, grammar, and punctuation dont matter to me here and quite frankly *ITS* nice to not have to use the comma or the shift key constantly, hehaw.


At 6:42 PM, Blogger 617-472-33484 said...

glad to hear you're enjoying it. when are you getting tables?

At 6:54 PM, Blogger sean said...

probably next week. it all depends on how much $$ i have leftover from paying all my bills. i haven't been paying them for a couple months so they're bigger than usual but if all goes well, next week.

im not sure where to look for 'em though. any thoughts?

At 1:46 PM, Blogger 617-472-33484 said...

what's the name of the music store down on 4 in fairfield, buddy rich or something? i'd give them a call and see if they've got anything, or if they know where to look. i used to get needles at the guitar center(?) at forest fair mall, but i understand that's not there anymore.


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