Wednesday, January 03, 2007

here it is 2007 already.

i spent most of this evening reading over this blog and remembering all the things that were going on in my life when i was writing. i think i have picked up on a pattern. i get depressed or bored and eventually start writing. somehow i manage to pull myself out of whatever hole i'm in and things get better. so since it's the middle of winter and i'm feeling somewhat ...stagnanat...i thought i would pick up where i left off almost 9 months ago.

it's been a wild ride to say the least and for anyone that knows me personally they understand why. i don't really feel like going into any sort of details about my dad dying and what my family experienced because i feel it would be crass. i don't even really want to talk about the current situation with my family. not because it's bad -- i think it's okay considering the circumstances -- but because i just don't want to. i don't feel like it.

however i do feel like it's time i dusted off the ol' blog and explore what i'm thinking about and where things are going with me. a bit narcissistic perhaps. but i think necessary. for whatever reason writing things down seems to help me figure things out.

as i usually get back into blogging and post an intro post with little or no actual content i'll leave it at this. i'm not wanting to dive to deep into my thoughts right now, but i think that this is something i can get behind and get excited about again. i won't be mentioning anything too relevant to my current life until my next month.


At 8:59 PM, Blogger dieck said...

love graf chida gente desde chihuas mexico


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